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Doesn't PrEP have a lot of $#!^^) side effects?

Side Effects

The most common complaints about Truvada (the actual drug used as PrEP at present) are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and dizziness. These symptoms are minor and most people report them resolving themselves over a period of time.


How much does PrEP cost? What if I can't afford it?


Truvada (the name of the actual drug that acts as PrEP) is not cheap out-of-pocket. However, the company that manufactures Truvada (Gilead) has some programs in place to assist with offsetting the cost of the drug.


If you have insurance, you can talk to your insurance provider about co-pays and other billing information.


How does PrEP even work?


Truvada (the drug that acts as PrEP) basically acts to make it harder for HIV-1 to replicate by blocking an enzyme in your body called reverse transcriptase.



Why would I actually still use condoms with PrEP?



Yo, did you read this site at all!?

I’ll break it down for you:


You can take PrEP daily like, say, a multivitamin and you can protect yourself against HIV with a 92-99% effective rate.




HOWEVER, PrEP is not a magic bullet. There are no special magic beans that protect you against all the risks and complications associated with being sexually active.


PrEP won’t protect you against:


1. Herpes

2. Syphilis

3. Hepatitis

4. Chlamydia 

5. Gonorrhea

6. Pregnancy

7. Social stigma

8. Yeast infections

9. Trichomoniasis

10.“Messy situations”

11. Anything that

isn't spelled



This is where condoms come into play. They do a pretty good job (about a 98-99% protection rate when used properly) of reducing the risks you assume when having sex.


The decision to take PrEP and consistently use condoms, when having sex, is a step toward sexual empowerment. It means you are taking control of your sexual health and agency in all sexual situations. 


It means you’re thinking about your health beyond a moment of pleasure or passion. It is recommended that you still have key conversations regarding sexual health practices and HIV/STI status with your sex partners, and you will still need to get tested. 


In taking the steps to protect yourself, you will be significantly reducing the potential stresses and anxieties relating to sexual activity.


When you get tested, you will have the confidence that you’ve taken every precaution available short of abstinence. No more freakouts. No more wondering.


Save yourself the headache.


Be safe. Be PrEP+Paired.

(the whole alphabet)

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5...)

What if I think I've already been exposed to HIV?


Located at 393 Central Ave in Newark, NJ as the LGBT services branch of the North Jersey Community Research Initiative, Project WOW! utilizes online outlets and social media to cultivate peer to peer relationships

amongst LGBTQIA+ youth ages 14-24.



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